Wednesday, October 17, 2007

si quieres perder tiempo

Week 5

I found the generator blog frustrating. I clicked on a few and could not work out how to play with them. I found many of the images unappetizing. It wastes such a lot of time. Not my cup of tea. I'd rather people went out to play in the sunshine. I imagine if you found the right site it could be great for creating posters. I haven't worked out how to place the image on my blog.... yet. The connection is attached.

22 oct 07 Even better, I have added the picture no need to use the link. Just had to remember to RIGHT CLICK on the image to save it. I'm slowly getting the hang of it. Obviously some of my frustration is due to lack of know-how. If i know the short cuts, practise, browse and ask for help it is so much quicker. The amount of trash out there is huge... purely a subjective comment, one persons trash is anothers gem.....

The blog won't allow me to use exclamation marks... very very strange...

It says: These characters are not allowed: (exclamation mark)

However it uses the character not words so why can i not use it (exclamation mark)

1 comment:

Yarra Plenty Library Regional Library said...

Leanrin can be frustrating at times..I think the reason you can't use an exclaimation mark on your blog is because the excaimation mark is used as part of the blog code (it's like a simplified html code) and the mark will mean something completely different or will cause the blog to bahavior in a different manner.
A bit like boollean where AND and NOT and OR can make a catalogue search behave very strange.

It's all abut larning, but it would have been nice if there was a explaination for you
Keep up the good work
